Designed for comfort, style and durability our Iveagh guitar strap is a top of the range strap that will grow with beauty over its decades of use. This strap is lined with a comfort foam followed by a sheepskin layer for extra comfort on the shoulder.
Width is 3" or 7.5cms. Length of strap is 52"/ 132cms. Shortest hole to hole length is 46" with another 3" length on broad strap making it 49"/ 124.5cms. The extension strap allows the total hole to hole length to go to 70" / 178cms in increments of 2 1/2" or 7cms.
Cape Veg Tan Dyed Through Shoulder Leather. These top quality full grain 3.0mm shoulders have been finished with soluble or transparent aniline dyes. This much sought after tanning method gives the leather a wonderfully deep, rich finish, allowing the natural characteristics of the hide to show through. The Cape shoulders have a nice firm handle and are ideal for high-end leather goods. This really is lovely, tactile leather- you can trust us on that, try it- you won’t be disappointed!
Sheepskin is very dense—there is always a layer of air below you when you lie or sit on them. The wool also combats moisture build-up, providing comfort for long periods of weight on your shoulder.
Sheepskin is naturally water-resistant, and fire retardant, as well as extremely soft, dense, and supportive. Many choose sheepskin for bed sores, as its density reduces pressure and friction in the bed and maintains correct humidity. Sheepskin rugs are suitable for hospital or at-home use to help alleviate pressure points and give rapid relief from lying in one position for long periods of time. Cleaning is recommended for minor spills with a damp cloth and allow to dry naturally.
This Leather Guitar Strap emphasizes comfort alongside a classic aesthetic appeal. At 2.5" wide, the Iveagh strap provides the perfect balance of comfort and support.